Selling Sales to Buyers Who’ve Sold their Purchases and Why that Sucks

See that road? Nobody is buying thins on that road.

I realized this morning, in a fit of just-having-woken-up-overthinking, that I build barriers for myself, as I think it’s safe to assume that many other people do. Specifically, people who have role models that they admire for their achievements. Let me explain:

I’ve tabled at two comic conventions in my life and I really didn’t have a good time, nor did I make any money. I’ve attributed this to my not having a lot of sales experience in the past. However, every once in awhile I get the chance to do a Sacramento maker’s market of some kind. At these, I always make a significant profit! (River City Marketplace has been a good one, and they’re doing a lot of events this year) 

This experience forced me to realize that I was not actually a bad salesman, but selling the wrong product to the wrong crowd. People go to comic conventions to buy swag of characters and IP’s they already know and love, not some weirdo original art and books that less than 1000 people on the planet know exist. At maker’s markets, people are looking for EXACTLY weirdo art that they’ve never seen before. Selling a good product to people that want it is one of the easiest things you can do.

And that’s a blog! I’ll finish this thought tomorrow.


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